In addition to the ➤ Standard AUM (approx. 2.5 hours), there are other variations of the AUM, such as the Mini AUM (with slightly shorter stages, approx. 1.5 hours), the ➤ Double AUM (approx. 3 1/4 hours), an ➤ Extended AUM (with prolonged stages and variable add-ons, approx. 3.5 hours) and also the Animal AUM or Kids AUM (about 45 minutes).

NEW: the ➤ AUM Meditation Day(!) at the IKSK in Berlin.

Humaniversity AUM Leader Certificate Kai Bohun

I have been leading the AUM Meditation several times a month since 2021 and vary both the length and focus of each stage, depending on the group and participants.
It is important to me to prepare the participants, who usually come from their daily lives and will return to it afterwards, in a way so that they can get the most out of the process and still go to work feeling refreshed and centered the next day. To get started, I therefore use various preparatory playful exercises from improvisational theater in order to let the logical mind run a little empty.
There is also a quick briefing and explanation each time through all 14 stages, whereby I alternately go deeper into two or three of them in more detail.
In addition, during the AUM with me, you get the opportunity to work with yourself in front of a mirror in some stages. The integration of elements from the Primal Play into the “Dance of the Lovers” has also proven successful. Thank you ➤ Buster Radvik for your inspiration!

Extended AUM

An Extended AUM, like the one I guide, takes about 1 hour longer than a Standard AUM. In total, including introduction, sharing circle, etc., you can expect around 4 hours.

In special locations, such as the IKSK in Berlin, I offer Special Editions of the AUM, in which you are optionally invited to work with nudity and related topics.

Double AUM

In a Double AUM we go through the hour and a half Mini AUM twice. Their stages are slightly shorter compared to standard AUM. In the first round we go through phases 1 to 12, followed by a short toilet and drinking break, then we repeat these 12 stages, followed by Namaste (thank you) and a short sharing with questions and answers. Knowing that the phases are shorter can motivate you to go all in and fully commit to each phase. The faster changes give you the opportunity to practice letting go and not attaching to emotional states. This helps you realize that you can take responsibility for your feelings and emotions. Yes, you have feelings, but you are not your feelings, you are not their victim, or at the mercy of them! You can feel this very well by repeating the AUM stages in the second part: You notice where devotion comes easily to you and where your conditioning, your inner censor, causes you problems. If you are willing to go through it, you will be able to see through these mechanisms better and are already on the way to discovering and accepting the core of your being.

Standard AUMExtended AUMDouble AUM
1. Anger (12 min)1. Anger (17 min)1. Anger (10 min)
2. Repent (5 min)2. Repent (10 min)2. Repent (5 min)
3. Love (11 min)3. Love (16 min)3. Love (9 min)
4. 2nd Wind (12 min)4. 2nd Wind (14 min)4. 2nd Wind (6 min)
5. Kundalini (12 min)5. Kundalini (15 min)5. Kundalini (5 min)
6. Freak Out (12 min)6. Freak Out [5 x 2:30] (15 min)6. Freak Out (5 min)
7. Free Your Body (12 min)7. Free Your Body (15 min)7. Free Your Body (5 min)
8. Crying (10 min)8. Crying (15 min)8. Crying (5 min)
9. Laughing (10 min)9. Laughing (14 min)9. Laughing (5 min)
10. Dance Of The Lovers (15 min)10. D.O.T.L. [3 x 10:00] (30 min)10. Dance Of The Lovers (10 min)
11. Chanting (7 min)11. Chanting (7 min)11. Chanting (5 min)
12. Silence (5 min)12. Silence (10 min)12. Silence (5 min)
13. Namaste (12 min)13. Namaste (12 min)Break (10 min)
14. Sharing (10 min)14. Sharing (10 min)1. Anger (10 min)
Net duration: approx. 2.5 hNet duration: approx. 3.5 h2. Repent (5 min)
3. Love (9 min)
4. 2nd Wind (6 min)
5. Kundalini (5 min)
6. Freak Out (5 min)
7. Free Your Body (5 min)
8. Crying (5 min)
9. Laughing (5 min)
10. Dance Of The Lovers (10 min)
11. Chanting (5 min)
12. Silence (5 min)
13. Namaste (12 min)
14. Sharing (15 min)
Net duration: approx. 3 1/4 h
Comparison: Standard-AUM vs. Extended AUM vs. Doppel-AUM

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AUM Meditation Day

Born from feedback from participants in our Extended AUM meditation: “Can we please have a whole day for this?” Here you go! Here we have 12 hours in total!

Part 1: The opening – getting moving, becoming essential
Part 2: Get it out! – physically intensive part
Part 3: Take it in!  – sensual-erotic phase + silence

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AUM Marathon

The AUM-Marathon is one of the most exciting and intense workshops at ➤ Osho Humaniversity, the “School for Masters”, located in Egmond aan Zee, in the Netherlands. This workshop is what inspired
Veeresh to develop the Humaniversity AUM. If you can only do one workshop in your life, make it this one!

You’ll experience some of the most successful Humaniversity techniques as well as many surprising innovations. Explore the parts of yourself that you struggle with, both the uncomfortable and the beautiful, the ones you don’t dare to accept and share. This way, you can integrate what’s going on inside you and make positive decisions in your life that are truly for you. By being lovingly challenged and supported, you develop the confidence in yourself that is necessary to do what you really want and enjoy your journey. You’ll feel refreshed, inspired, empowered, more authentic and more in love with life.

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Aum Meditation Leader Training

The Aum Meditation Leader Training at the Osho Humaniversity is led by Chandrika and Prem Jan. They both have several decades of experience in guiding people in their growth and have mentored and trained “generations” of students to become Humaniversity therapists.

Although I am not a “Humaniversity therapist” myself, I have completed the AUM Meditation Leader Training there and highly recommend it to you if you are interested in facilitating ➤ social meditations. The training is intensive, providing you with all the necessary knowledge for practical implementation: content-wise, organizationally, legally, and technically (e.g., handling a mixing console and microphones). For me, it was an excellent starting point to begin my AUM event series in an organized manner, and the teachings and values I received continue to be my benchmark, even as I experiment with form, content, and duration.

Many thanks to Chandrika and Prem Jan!

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Find out more on the next page ➤ who will accompany you through this experience here and open and hold the space for you.

Here on the next page you can register for the ➤ “AUM newsletter” for Berlin, Dresden and Munich (it is sent by email approximately every 1 to 2 months).