Hello, thank you very much for your interest in information about me. Below is a summary of the most important stages on my journey to this point.
My name is Kai Bohun: I am a musician, ➤ guitar teacher, ➤ singing teacher, ➤ massage and body therapist (tantric massages according to Andro® & TMV®), and a Humaniversity AUM Meditation Leader in Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, and Munich.
Through individual lessons, therapeutic offerings, and workshops that can support you on your journey to self-discovery, I share my experience and skills in these various areas. The AUM Meditation is an example of how you can work with me in a group to address your emotions, conditioning, and self-concepts.
As an experienced music educator, I offer tailored lessons for guitar and singing, as well as courses in ear training and music theory, to help you improve your musical abilities and make the most of your musical talent. I also work as an instrumental therapist and voice therapist, helping you release tension and blockages in your body and improve your voice. Breathwork and breath therapy are part of this.
As a certified tantric massage therapist (TMV®), I offer energizing meridian massages as well as tantric massages aimed at awakening your senses and establish the connection of body, mind, and soul.
Education, Background & Training in Bodywork, Sexuality and Coaching
Since 2020:
• Tantric massages and sexual counseling in Berlin Mitte ➤ “Lust und Ekstase”
• Member of the Tantramassage Association e.V. TMV®
Since 2019:
• Massage therapist at ➤ LaLita (Tantric massages TMV® in Leipzig)
In 2023:
• Training in Ecstasy and Love with Margot Anand (SkyDancing)
• Heart Warrior Men’s Training with Bjørn Thorsten Leimbach
In 2022:
• Improvisational Skills for Therapists with Dr. Assael Romanelli (Die Gorillas)
In 2021:
• AUM Meditation Leader Training (Osho Humaniversity)
• Gestalt and Body Psychotherapy, training as a Tantric Body Therapist with Gerhard Mühlbauer (Jembatan)
• Touch as Vocation, Professionalization Module with Michaela Riedel (AnandaWave)
From 2018 to 2019:
• Tantric Massage according to Andro and Tantra Trainings with Andro Rothe (Diamond Lotus Tantra Institute)
In 2010:
• Marathon for Gestalt Therapy and Systemic Constellations with Sakino and Dr. Yaron Ziv
In 2003:
• Therapist training with Sakino and Dr. Prabhat Sternberg
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